Thursday, October 28, 2010

A summary of my 2.0 experience

It is always good to learn something new to get ourselves updated. I have spent more time on those websites which I think will be useful to me as well as to the customers. But sometimes more exploring just proved the otherwise, e.g. the EnCompassCulture.

Because the online learning itself is by self-discovery, an excellent Internet access is a must, plus 100% concentration. I don't think the workplace can provide such suitable learning elements.

Anyway, I still welcome another round of 2.0 training. As I mentioned before, we should always try to enrich our knowledge through learning from various channels to facilitate our work as well as to broaden our horizon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 6 : EnCompassCulture - The global book club

The website is very well organized that you can decide what to read by the age groups, the well defined genres, the reviews and so on. Yet it is also too organized that its parameter is very limited.

I will not use this website as my first port of call. Yet it can still be used for readers' advisory purpose when the targeted audience are real serious readers.

I will promote this website to the 'right' customers who will have a very 'British' taste!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 5: Slide share - Online presentation

How Can Public Libraries Compete Leicestershire June 2008
Embracing Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 for Quality Library Service (3 years ago)
Friending Libraries: Why libraries can become nodes in people’s social networks (2 years ago)

I have taken time to view the above three slide shows. I can see that it is easy for both staff and customers to use the 'Slide share' to gather information via online presentation, provided you have very good Internet connection. (Maybe our Learn.nets computers can do the tricks.) However, as I am not 'courageous' enough to create a slide show of my own, I cannot comment on how user-friendly it is if you want to post and share your slide using this website.

I myself will use this website again because the information presented in a way that suits me well: simple, precise, to the point and some have transcripts to assist your comprehension. I will promote this site to the customers because of this.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week 4 - TasteSpotting

I have chosen the chocolate and peanut butter dessert cups because chocolate is my most favorite food. And, the picture made my mouth water!
The site is again very easy to use and it is so far the most interesting website I have explored during the tour of my Web 2.0. Well, apart from those fabulous recipes, my experience from the TasteSpotting is that Web 2.0 exercises can be of fun. That's why I do not regard the browsing of this website as a task. Sometimes it is good to learn something not related to libraries or customers- just for fun or for a break!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Week 3 - FeedMyInbox

It is a pity that not all websites get the RSS features. I will certainly use this site again if I come across any interesting websites with information that I want to feed into my inbox!

How wonderful it is: you can be fed with interesting information from your favourite websites while checking your mails. It is so simple and easy to use. I believe that customers will share the same views with me and that's why I will not hesitate to promote this site to them given the chance.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 2: Picapp

I am a forever fan of Richard Gere. That's why his image is in my blog!

At first I struggled to copy and paste the picture to my blog from Picapp. However, after getting some simple instruction I managed to do the job. The same will apply to customers.

Manukau Libraries can select any suitable pictures at no cost to promote their service or events at their blog. I will use this site again to put up my favourite pictures or to write my comments for any current affairs with the related recent photos at my blog.

I will promote this site to the customers as I find it both useful and interesting. And, it cost the customer nothing.

Week Two: Piccap

Actor Richard Gere films scenes from the movie The Double on June 29, 2010 in Detroit, MI (photo by Tim Reinman / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom

Hi there,

I just pasted the photo of my favourite movie star.

Comments about Piccap will follow.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 1 :

I just used the 'box' to select some books from the book lists downloaded from my colleague. It is quite useful as you can see the choices made by the other colleagues while sharing the files.

Personally I will not use it since I don't have any document needed to be collaborated. And, there are other avenues for sharing, such as you can create a discussion group or the like to share your views. The 'box' has provided the users with some helpful tips and you can work them out on trial and error basis.

With advance in IT, nothing will surprise me especially when there are so many softwares offered on the Internet for a free trial period. I don't think the customers will find this site useful, unless they are doing some office work which needed collaboration. I will not promote this site to the customers yet I will let them know about it for their decision.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summary of my experience

Time flies and now it comes to the end of the 2nd round of web 2.0 training. Perhaps it is because I have been equipped with the previous training that I felt more comfortable working with this round of training.

Whether I enjoy the discovery exercises depends very much on whether they are very relevant to my work and of any interest to me. I enjoy the 'Goodreads' most because by exploring this website I know more about books, not only the bestsellers. It is very helpful in conducting reader advisory service while I myself can also be benefited from this website! The Zamzar experience is another case in point. It is both relevant to my job and beneficial to both the customers as well as myself through its application.

I enjoyed Twitters least because it is a totally new thing for me. Yet I have still tried my best to work it out. Yet I may forget it all if I do not use it again. Constant contribution is needed if you want to keep your Facebook account active. However, as I am not that sociable, I doubt very much if I will get into this account again if nothing interesting comes up.

To sum up, the 2.0 learning is very useful as it can give you some basic ideas of the trendy websites and some very practical websites that can be applied to your work!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I have just posted two comments on the Facebook of Manukau Libraries, which are about the best book I have ever read (i.e. The catcher in the rye) and the book I was just reading now (i.e. Only the cat knows by Marian Babson). I also have a look at the website of Auckland City Libraries to see what sorts of updates they have made.

Just like us, Auckland City Libraries always updates the customers with all sorts of informative and interesting features. They are also having different types of blogs. In fact the library websites nowadays are becoming more interactive.

I personally am not that fond of Facebook since I am not that sociable. Yet it is quite useful for a public library to promote its service and communications with the customers. It greatly helps the library to extend its service to even non library users who are so keen on social networking!

Yet one needs to have some computer skills to use Facebook, which is basically intended for computer literate people. I myself will not continue to use my Facebook account for the reason I have stated before. So far I have received no question from a customer about Facebook because they are quite competent of this. Yet I will promote our Facebook page to our customers. It is quite cool! And, they then can know the library better, i.e. we are not all about books. We have something more for them!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Music files and MP3s

I have viewed the Amazon website about free MP3 download. I am both impressed and unimpressed. I was impressed with the many titles that were available for download at your finger tip. Yet I was not so impressed as nearly all my favourite titles had to be downloaded with a fee. No matter how small a charge it will be (some at 99 cents each), the sum will be huge if I want to download all my favourite songs. The 'Free download' is quite misleading but there is no free lunch!

It is very easy to use this website. Just type in the search box for your favourite title and then it will pop up for your free previewing. And, it can tell you straight away whether it is free or not. I think most of the customers can navigate this website without any difficulties. And, for those who are really keen on music and freebies and not so mindful about copy right, they will have another source to download their favourite songs. Or they may opt for buying or downloading some free software to convert their CD music to MP3 format.

I am not a great fan of music and therefore I cannot think of any other real free legal MP3 download website. Yet I will still promote the list of the so-called free MP3 download websites to the customers for their reference.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Good reader advisory service is not just about giving customers what are the most popular books, which you may find from such websites as amazon. The Goodreads website is both 'diversed' and 'personalized'. You can have a broader view about books while browsing others' bookshelves and the book reviews. Some customers, or even yourself, may like to try something new and the Goodreads website is a good place to look at. It just likes looking at other people's lunchbox and you then can get some new ideas when preparing your next meal!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


'Curiosity kills a cat, but satisfaction brings it back.' These pictures from Pakuranga Library are so ..... Well, only 1 more day to go....

It is easy to sign up with all those user-friendly instructions. The customers may find it simple if they have some computer knowledge and keen on socializing and finding interesting stuff on the Internet. We can of course use this in the learn.nets and our workrooms because they are library-related social networking! I will visit this site from time to time and post my comments/feedbacks for any interesting topics. Manukau Libraries can promote any forthcoming events via Twitter and enhance customers' interaction with those library's 'titbits'. I hope we can get rid of those stereotyped images of librarians (with buns, glasses, shushes .....) with all those tweets! This may be one of the reasons why I will promote Twitter to the customers!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Well, this is the 2nd week of my blog journey!

The Zamzar website is both user-friendly and helpful. Although I do not know so much about all those file formats, I can still refer this website to the customers who need help in converting their files. Sometimes customers know better than me what sort of files they are after and they just need a suitable tool to finish this job. And here comes the Zamzar!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Time flies. Another round of Web 2.0!

I expect I can learn something new this time. Yet such expectation is also my 2.0 fears because I don't know whether I can follow the discovery exercise, absorb the new knowledge and apply them in work as I am never an IT guru.

A public library can have more interaction with the customers to promote and improve the service through blogging. Our customers want to get the most update information, e.g. what's happening in the library, what are the new service and collection being offered. Our customers perceive that the public library belongs to members of the public and they have every right to have their voices being heard and a library blog has provided them with such a perfect platform/forum.