Saturday, April 24, 2010


Time flies. Another round of Web 2.0!

I expect I can learn something new this time. Yet such expectation is also my 2.0 fears because I don't know whether I can follow the discovery exercise, absorb the new knowledge and apply them in work as I am never an IT guru.

A public library can have more interaction with the customers to promote and improve the service through blogging. Our customers want to get the most update information, e.g. what's happening in the library, what are the new service and collection being offered. Our customers perceive that the public library belongs to members of the public and they have every right to have their voices being heard and a library blog has provided them with such a perfect platform/forum.


tosca said...

Hi de hi Hellotabby - welcome back! You make a great point that a blog allows customers have a voice as well :) I'll be popping in and out throughout the tutorial to see how ppl are doing and, more importantly, to respond to any suggestions, queries or comments. I hope you enjoy the rest of the journey :)

Philip said...

Don't worry about it, you can always ask the men in hard hats for help.