Monday, June 28, 2010

Summary of my experience

Time flies and now it comes to the end of the 2nd round of web 2.0 training. Perhaps it is because I have been equipped with the previous training that I felt more comfortable working with this round of training.

Whether I enjoy the discovery exercises depends very much on whether they are very relevant to my work and of any interest to me. I enjoy the 'Goodreads' most because by exploring this website I know more about books, not only the bestsellers. It is very helpful in conducting reader advisory service while I myself can also be benefited from this website! The Zamzar experience is another case in point. It is both relevant to my job and beneficial to both the customers as well as myself through its application.

I enjoyed Twitters least because it is a totally new thing for me. Yet I have still tried my best to work it out. Yet I may forget it all if I do not use it again. Constant contribution is needed if you want to keep your Facebook account active. However, as I am not that sociable, I doubt very much if I will get into this account again if nothing interesting comes up.

To sum up, the 2.0 learning is very useful as it can give you some basic ideas of the trendy websites and some very practical websites that can be applied to your work!

1 comment:

tosca said...

Hey there :) I really appreciate your honest feedback so thank you VERY much for letting me know what did and didn't work. GoodReads is my favouritest social networking book site so I'm really pleased that you found it useful.

Ohmygosh - congratulations! You've completed the whole tutorial :)