Thursday, October 28, 2010

A summary of my 2.0 experience

It is always good to learn something new to get ourselves updated. I have spent more time on those websites which I think will be useful to me as well as to the customers. But sometimes more exploring just proved the otherwise, e.g. the EnCompassCulture.

Because the online learning itself is by self-discovery, an excellent Internet access is a must, plus 100% concentration. I don't think the workplace can provide such suitable learning elements.

Anyway, I still welcome another round of 2.0 training. As I mentioned before, we should always try to enrich our knowledge through learning from various channels to facilitate our work as well as to broaden our horizon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 6 : EnCompassCulture - The global book club

The website is very well organized that you can decide what to read by the age groups, the well defined genres, the reviews and so on. Yet it is also too organized that its parameter is very limited.

I will not use this website as my first port of call. Yet it can still be used for readers' advisory purpose when the targeted audience are real serious readers.

I will promote this website to the 'right' customers who will have a very 'British' taste!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 5: Slide share - Online presentation

How Can Public Libraries Compete Leicestershire June 2008
Embracing Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 for Quality Library Service (3 years ago)
Friending Libraries: Why libraries can become nodes in people’s social networks (2 years ago)

I have taken time to view the above three slide shows. I can see that it is easy for both staff and customers to use the 'Slide share' to gather information via online presentation, provided you have very good Internet connection. (Maybe our Learn.nets computers can do the tricks.) However, as I am not 'courageous' enough to create a slide show of my own, I cannot comment on how user-friendly it is if you want to post and share your slide using this website.

I myself will use this website again because the information presented in a way that suits me well: simple, precise, to the point and some have transcripts to assist your comprehension. I will promote this site to the customers because of this.