Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 2: Picapp

I am a forever fan of Richard Gere. That's why his image is in my blog!

At first I struggled to copy and paste the picture to my blog from Picapp. However, after getting some simple instruction I managed to do the job. The same will apply to customers.

Manukau Libraries can select any suitable pictures at no cost to promote their service or events at their blog. I will use this site again to put up my favourite pictures or to write my comments for any current affairs with the related recent photos at my blog.

I will promote this site to the customers as I find it both useful and interesting. And, it cost the customer nothing.

Week Two: Piccap

Actor Richard Gere films scenes from the movie The Double on June 29, 2010 in Detroit, MI (photo by Tim Reinman / Meet The Famous) Photo via Newscom

Hi there,

I just pasted the photo of my favourite movie star.

Comments about Piccap will follow.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 1 :

I just used the 'box' to select some books from the book lists downloaded from my colleague. It is quite useful as you can see the choices made by the other colleagues while sharing the files.

Personally I will not use it since I don't have any document needed to be collaborated. And, there are other avenues for sharing, such as you can create a discussion group or the like to share your views. The 'box' has provided the users with some helpful tips and you can work them out on trial and error basis.

With advance in IT, nothing will surprise me especially when there are so many softwares offered on the Internet for a free trial period. I don't think the customers will find this site useful, unless they are doing some office work which needed collaboration. I will not promote this site to the customers yet I will let them know about it for their decision.