Monday, May 18, 2009

#4-5 Week 2

Hi there,

This is a post entry as i have aleady signed up for the bloglines sometimes ago. Yet only until then I made my blog public.

I also have added some news feeds to my blog.

I have subscribed some news feeds by browsing the to make the selection. I also have subscribed some library related blogs and some of my colleagues' blogs. It is both interesting and informative to view these blogs.

I can go straight to the library related blogs to read the latest news or development in the library field. I also can read headlines around the world from the news feeds. Just keep me updated what is happening in the field of my job as well as on that planet. Very 'career orientated' and 'globalised'!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

#21 Week 9

Hi there,

Today I just added the RSS feed for the podcast of the Library Channel to my bloglines account when I looked up one of the podcast directories, the

I first did a keyword search with 'library' and found such podcast. Then I have a good look (or listening) to one of the episodes of this podcast about what would happen in March in the library of Arizona State University. This podcast also introduced the library service to the university faculty, students and teachers. Feedback is also welcome as announced by the podcast. It will be very interesting if our library also do the same to inform our customers of our services and events to be held.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 9 #20 YouTube

Hi there,

I just downloaded the 'Library Card Sign Up Month' video to my computer. The animation and the 'funny' voices of the characters in the video are very appealing to children, which may encourage them to sign up for a library card. I found such video worth adding as an entry in my blog because it is library related and it can give me some ideas to promote library membership.

I also copied and pasted the video to my e-mail account for future reference.