Thursday, February 26, 2009

#19 Web 2.0 awards list

My favorite one is the librarything website. Amazing! It is very user friendly and you can interact with other book lovers by sharing with them your book review, ratings and comments of your favourite books. It is not only about social networking, but also to enrich your knowledge about books by viewing what is the 'great read' of others.

#16 thoughts about Web 2.0 (Week 6 completed)

Libraries and their users can interact through Web 2.0, which provides so many features, e.g. social networks, tagging and wikis. It helps libraries to provide better access to their collection and gain user support/feedback in a dynamic background. In light of changes in the community, libraries not only have to change but also allow users to change them through their presence and involvement in the Web 2.0 technology. Such innovation can help libraries manage and adapt themselves to changes.