Friday, October 31, 2008

#14 Weeek 6 completed

Hi there,

It will be a lot of fun if you can find as many as 'delicious' tags and add to your 'cabinet'. On whichever computer, no matter home, work or public, you can access your delicious tags. The loose 'cataloguing' standard can also allow you to retrieve your 'tag' easily. Much better than the folder, more space and flexibility.



Sunday, September 28, 2008

# 12 Week 5: Wikis

Hi there,
How amazing it is to create a library wiki to share ideas and feedback through continuous contribution by viewers/libreary users. Through the process of edit, save and link, the wiki can grow bigger and bigger with more comprehensive and constructive information. It is the result of the concerted efforts or coordination of various contributors. It definitely will help the library to constantly improve its service through such a dynamic and interesting way.

# 13 Week 5 : my favourite number

Tabby Tabby loves the numbers of 636.8.
6 in Chinese content means 'forever', 3 means ' lively' and 8 means' wealth'. Of course 636.8 points to my most favourite creature in the world - the cat. I am sorry human beings are not ranked as the most favourite creatures!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

This is Pakuranga Library where I am working.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

# 11 Week 4 completed

Hi there,
It is interesting to see how technology can play around with images, photos and videos. You can really express yourself through manupilation of any images and add them to your blog.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hi there,
I now have managed to insert a picture of the tabby cat in my blog. Any comments?In fact I want to insert the picture of a thoughtful cat but the site was blocked. Well, the second choice is still a good choice.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Even stray cat can be nice cat provided that he does not cause you any trouble. Cats do have characters. That's why somebody has said nobody can own a cat. In fact you are owned by them. Well, just looking at the cat we people just wonder why we have to work so hard and cats just sleep, play and eat and still be well provided for. Yet the poor 'cat owner' will forget the cat's laziness once he purrs at you, greeting you with a vertical tail and ribboning around your feet.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I have just created a blog, whose title is inspired by my rotten hopeless tabby cat. I am going to play around it. Anybody is welcome to view my blog and give me any comments and suggestions. Stories about other hopeless cats are most welcome so that I know that I am not alone - be the poor cat's owner.